tvbjjhijc 发表于 7 天前

The media lies about Tibet news

First, report :100 dead in Tibet violence, but the original photo shows that tibetans were attacking vehicles with stones.
    Second, the announcer from Germany - N TV said: new protestor in Tibet, he lies. The photo shows on Tv is Nepal police.
    Third, spiegel said that army responded with cruel act, but actually the army are attacked by stones...
    Fourth, the media said insurrectionist was taken away by police, please do not lie on the media, that han-chinese was rescued by police in truth.
    Fifth, that's funny on UK BBC News, There is a heavy military presence... , please learn a little bit Chinese language, that car is ambulance car.
    Sixth, that picture is Nepal police, not Chinese police!!
    Seventh, the picture is still from somewhere, not chinese police
    Eighth, does Germany media like to use Nepal police picture?!
    Ninth, .......
    Tenth, USA media has the same tast, that is Indian Police
    Could we still trust these media? Are these news or hoax?____编注:图王前辈, 小弟想请前辈帮个忙, 能否帮忙推一则新闻, 这则新闻推的时候一定是英文的^^由于近来西方媒体对中国西藏的片面报道, 一个留学生发了一个西方媒体偏颇报道的视频, 小弟整理了下, 想把这个文字也推一下, 能让更多的鬼子知道^^不知前辈可否在百忙中帮这个忙, 万分的感激, 盼复!另明日我们留澳学生也会在澳洲举行游行, 反对西方对西藏问题的片面报道,维护祖国统一
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